Discovering the World through GIS

GIS Day provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society.

Over 18 years ago, consumer advocate Ralph Nader presented an idea to Esri founder and president Jack Dangermond: dedicate one day to show how geographic intelligence touches everyone. That led to the establishment of the first GIS Day in 1999. The explosion of geospatial technology since then has expanded that idea into a global event that demonstrates how far GIS extends into people's lives, and a forum for users to showcase their unique GIS accomplishments.

This is an amazing event where all our users around the world get together to appreciate each other's work, whether it's jumping to action as first responders in flood zones and wildfires, or finding the best place to open a new business," said Dangermond. "We should be proud of the achievements our users make in the field of GIS, and this is a way to celebrate that. So thank you for all your work.

GIS Day is one FUN Day!
